Convert forms to data using highly accurate character recognition

*On June 2022, SPA and SPA Cloud was rebranded into invoiceAgent Documents and invoiceAgent AI OCR.

Form digitization solution

What is invoiceAgent AI OCR?

invoiceAgent AI OCR is a form digitization solution that accurately reads and converts printed and handwritten text into data.
Its unique processing functions improve the accuracy of system input and reduces the cost of visual checking, thereby increasing the productivity of operations personnel.

The OCR engine and auto-correct of read images improves the recognition rate while the unique features of invoiceAgent AI OCR
reduce the man-hours required for visual inspection and verification.
Additionally, you can automate business operations through WebAPI and RPA integration.


Features of invoiceAgent AI OCR


5 highly accurate OCR
and improved recognition rate through the auto-correct function

invoiceAgent AI OCR can choose the most suited option from 5 AI OCR engines.
This increases reading accuracy and removes blank spaces, so users can use AI OCR while keeping total pay-per-use costs low.
invoiceAgent OCR straightens distortions before reading forms and prevents degradation in the recognition rate.


Digitize forms according to their format

invoiceAgent AI OCR offers two different reading settings (format definitions).
Use AI OCR to digitize forms in both
free or fixed formats.


Automatic Verification

By enabling multiple OCR engines, invoiceAgent AI OCR
allows users to compare OCR results for a single read item.
If the results are the same, the Verified flag will be set automatically,
fully automating validation and revision tasks.


Benefits of invoiceAgent AI OCR

These are some of the benefits you can expect from invoiceAgent AI OCR.


Streamline data input
Prevent transcription errors
Reduce costs


Automate data integration
to business systems
(RPA integration)


Form digitization
can be expanded
and is not limited to operations and departments
